Thursday, February 10, 2011

I tried it!

I gathered up my supplies and some plain t-shirts and tried the craft project I poster earlier.

Here are my supplies ready to go:

Now, I realized that I didn't have the EXACT supplies that were mentioned in the blog, but I figured I was fine. Turns out I was not!!!

Words of wisdom - if you are going to try this this weekend USE THE SAME FABRIC PAINT she uses on the blog. Also buy yourself one of those paint rollers. And another tip - go for white or light colored t-shirts! These two were the only ones I had on hand.

After trying to do my shirt the way that the directions told, I figured out that the paint was just not transferring thick enough to show up on my shirt and the detail wasn't right. I then improvised and decided to do more of a stenciling approach to save my shirt. Instead of painting the doily and pressing it, I just put the doily down onto the shirt in one spot and painted in the negative space and some around the edges (think of it like making a negative of the original design). The results are as follows:

So, as you can see, not exactly as easy as I thought it would be, but you will never know unless you try! I would say it's not a total disaster, and I will probably wear my shirt along with my daughter on Valentines day. And I didn't really lose any money, I already had the shirts, the paint, and the brush, the doilies I bought today for $1.75.

The lesson for today is this : Who cares if your stuff doesn't turn out perfect! Just try it if you want to try it!!! You will be surprised how much you learn from every crafting experience :)

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